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'Connecting the Dots' Bootcamp | Miranda House College, New Delhi


Updated: Nov 16, 2024

For youth at the threshold of their careers, the development sector can be a challenging maze. Appropriate guidance that incorporates latest knowledge and resources, and zooms out to discern the big picture, can be the bridge between young professionals and opportunities that demand driven, competent professionals. It is with this purpose that Doers developed Connecting the Dots – Training the Youth on Systems Thinking to Achieve the SDGs. With the System Thinking Approach at its core, the bootcamp zooms in on the interconnections between diverse components. It equips young professionals with skills and tools and develops their insight to perceive the cascading effects one component can have on others.

On February 28, 2024, Doers co-organized a 'Connecting the Dots' – A Bootcamp on Disaster Risk Management and Resilience in a Changing Climate for the future development practitioners with Miranda House College, University of Delhi for its undergraduate students. The Bootcamp comprised discussions and activities on Doers’ thematic areas of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Climate Change Adaptation (CCA), and Risk-Informed Development. It provided tools and resources for resilience, and pathways for learning and building a career in the development sector.

Sixty-four undergraduate students participated in the Bootcamp which was conducted at the Mini Auditorium inside the college from 10 am to 3:30 pm. Among the teachers, Dr. Monika Vij, Dr. Rakhi Parijat, Dr. Ruchi Sachan, Dr. Praffulit Bisht, Dr. Shipra Singh and Dr. Om Jee Ranjan from the Department of Geography were also present during the program and made valuable contributions to the discussions. The Bootcamp was also one of the inaugural events organized by the Miranda House College in connection with the newly-established Urban Studies and Research Centre.

The Bootcamp began with a short introduction of Doers, presented by Ms. Sindhu Luna, Program Coordinator, Doers. The introduction acquainted the students with Doers’ inception, the themes it works on, its programmatic concentrations and its ongoing programs. After the introduction, Mr. Navneet Yadav, Program Director, Doers, began the thematic presentations, diving into the interconnected aspects of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and the Paris Agreement. The presentations provided the students with an in-depth understanding of hazard, exposure, vulnerability and capacity analysis from the perspective of systemic risks.

Through various activities where students were invited to volunteer, Mr. Navneet demonstrated the concepts of vulnerability, capacity, and community resilience. To make the session even more interesting, Ms. Sindhu Luna conducted an gamified learning activity that allowed students to engage with various conditions and emotions related to disasters by acting them out.

In the final leg of the Bootcamp, Mr. Navneet introduced students to various tools and resources that can be used to build resilience. He also provided in-depth information on resources that can help students choose academic and professional avenues after the completion of their undergraduate studies.

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